How can I increase my traffic and leads?

To increase the number of renters who look at your ad:

  1. Add photos. One photo doubles your traffic. Two or more photos triples your traffic.
  2. List a rent amount. Renters searching online won't call to get your price - they'll move on to the next ad.
  3. Update your date stamp. Click on "Mark as updated" and move your listing to the top of the list.
  4. Go Plus! Plus! properties get 4x as many leads as regularly advertised properties.
  5. Automatically update your listings with DataLinx:
  • Priority placement - Your listings will automatically appear at the top of the list on many websites
  • Save time – DataLinx accepts a daily data file from your computer or property management software package
  • Easy Implementation - DataLinx is easy to implement. No programmers required!
  • Affordable - only $500 / 1,000 units per year. Learn more here: